As of 4:00 PM...
The center-left coalition of four political parties has 29.7% of the vote, but Bersani's party, Partito Democratico (Pd), has 25.5% of the vote.
Beppe Grillo has no coalition. His MoVimento 5 Stelle (M5S) party is in a dead tie with 25.5% of the vote.
The center-right coalition of nine political parties received 29.0% of the vote, but Berlusconi's party, Il Popolo della libertà (Pdl), received 21.4% of the vote.
On an Actual Party (Not Coalition Basis)
- Pier Luigi Bersani - Partito Democratico (Pd) - 25.5%
- Beppe Grillo - MoVimento 5 Stelle (M5S) 25.5%
- Silvio Berlusconi - Il Popolo della libertà (Pdl) - 21.4%
Those totals are as of 4:00 Central. I have been watching the totals for a half hour. M5S has been inching up steadily. A half hour ago M5S was down by .5%. Momentum suggests M5S will overtake Partito Democratico (Pd).
Italy MIB Stock Market Futures Plunge
From the Guardian Election Blog
Update As of 4:20 PM
Grillo move into a vote lead for the first time I have been watching. Percentages still locked at 25.5% each.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock